Hello SSAGO,
I’m Jack, and for anyone that is unaware, I’ve been SSAGO’s chair for the last 12 months (actually only 10 so far, technically). Before that, I was SSAGO’s Secretary for 2023-24, and before that, was on the CentenaRally committee and Chair of the then newly restarted Policy Fixers Project. Going further back, I was co-chair of Rally of Games, while simultaneously president of Liverpool SSAGO, and before that, started my long string of SSAGO committee roles as Treasurer of Liverpool SSAGO.
All that to say, I very much know what I’m getting myself in for. Being on Team Pink is not an easy responsibility - it takes a lot of time, and effort, and can sometimes involve making some really challenging decisions, and the chair has to spearhead that. It can very easily take over your life, and SSAGO is best served by having members of Team Pink who are able and willing to dedicate their time to. I know, and I hope everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with over my last few years on Team Pink knows, that I can do exactly that. I still have 2 and a half years of funding left for my PhD, so I know what my capacity will look like for the next year, and know I am capable of fulfilling the role.
I would like to hope that most of you would agree that I’ve done a reasonably good job this year - not perfect, by any means (there are plenty of things I wish we’d been able to deal with quicker, or more efficiently, and things I could have done better) but good. And yet, there are still things to do - longer term projects that I’ve been working on this year, in some cases for the past 2 years, that I want to see through to completion:
As anyone who knows me could tell you, I’m incredibly passionate about SSAGO, and I want it to be the best it can possibly be - if I didn’t think I was the best person for the role, I wouldn’t be running. This would be the last of my 3 years that I’m eligible to be elected for, and I honestly believe that now, while I’m already fully immersed in everything that we have ongoing, is the best time for me to complete a 3rd year on Team Pink.
One of the things I love most about SSAGO, is it’s role in allowing people to develop as people through taking on new and challenging roles and pushing themselves, in a safer environment (lets face it, if you’re going to organise a large event for the first time, things are going to go wrong, and if they’re big things, better it happens with a bunch of students who can generally look after themselves than with a campsite full of Cubs)! Something I’m very aware of is that by continuing as chair for the next year, I would potentially be taking the opportunity to learn from the experience of being SSAGO chair away from someone else. But while SSAGO can be a lower stakes environment, it can also be unforgiving at times (something I think we could all work on), and I believe that everyone else on Team Pink, and to an extent event committees too, will benefit more from having the support of an experienced chair to sit lean on, than someone who is new to the role.