About me
I am currently studying a master's in Human Rights law having first joined SSAGO in 2021 during my undergrad. When I’m not in a team pink meeting or running a rally you’ll find me playing cricket or setting my schedule by the BBC sport app.
My time in SSAGO
I first met SSAGO members at wellies and wristbands I was a few years away from university but couldn’t wait to join SSAGO. The pandemic put a slight spanner in the works but once restrictions were lifted I joined SSAGO and never looked back. I was the only fresher from Bristol who made the brave journey to Viking rally I came away with flu and the SSAGO bug. I then became UoBGAS president and SSAGO rep. I have only missed one national event since and often work out timelines in reference to rallies. I have been nominated for and won a number of SSAGO awards at events as well as being a part of the winning pram racing team which I think shows my commitment to SSAGO.
My time on Team Pink
Last year I was elected as treasurer and a key part of why I ran for this was a desire to make SSAGOS finances more transparent. Learning how the SSAGO finances work I understand why a lot more about how it works and have been able to answer a lot of questions about how things work as well as approving two dev fund bids. We have also been working as a team to get past accounts published so that we can achieve greater transparency.
I have also really enjoyed my time working with the wider team Pink, a big part of any Pink role is contributing to the day-to-day aims of SSAGO supporting events and ensuring its future. I worked alongside Oli on the recruitment of the new digital and web assistants, worked with the team to ensure all the projects have a new and passionate lead and helped with all the other inquiries that SSAGO has in the year. I am also still working with the organisers of the West Sussex jamboree and plan to attend in the summer to represent SSAGO to the next generation of students.
Why I think I would make a good chair
I have experience running committees both at university and prior. Having been on Team Pink for the last year I understand what the role of chair entails whilst also having new ideas that I want to bring to the role. Whilst working on Team Pink rally committee a key aim of ours has been to show that you can run a successful SSAGO event without it taking over your life and the same goes for a Team Pink role. In the last few years I have spoken to people who are passionate SSAGO members but say they would never run for pink because they think it takes over your life, it’s my opinion that it doesn't have to, you can be a good team pink member and a good chair without it taking over all your spare time and this is something I would like to demonstrate.
Things I would implement if elected
Host a weekly online office hour, this would be a time that any SSAGO member could come along and ask questions, raise concerns or talk about anything SSAGO. Then with the permission of the people asking questions I would publish the questions asked and the answers on the discord. Often when one person has a question a lot of other people do but they just don’t want to ask it.
I would work with the new team pink to work out the best way to track tasks, this would likely be using something such as notion so that everyone can see the tasks set and nothing gets lost, being run by student volunteers email go missing tasks get forgotten and time is spent doing the same things over again. Tracking this would hopefully eliminate this.
I would also bring a new energy and enthusiasm to the rest of the role to ensure that SSAGO continues to function day to day and continues to provide opportunities for students. I would also keep building on our relationship with guiding and scouting, as well as international connections. I believe the future of SSAGO is bright and I would love the opportunity to take that light and let it shine, let shine, let it shine.